

Top 10 Must Try Durians in 2019

1. Durian D2 (Dato Nina)

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Mostly found at – Tapah, Perak, Melaka

Famous known as Dato Nina

2. Durian D24 (XO)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Jenis%2BJenis%2BDurian%2B17.jpg

Mostly found at – Johor, Genting, Cameron Highlands, Pahang

Also known as Durian Sultan / Bukit Merah

3. Durian D78 (Swettie)

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Mostly found at – Kuala Lumpur, Penang

Famous known as Sweetie

4. Durian 888 (Durian Kampung)

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Mostly found at – Kedah

Also known as durian Asli

5. Durian D88 (Darling)

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Mostly found at – Serdang, Selangor, Bentong, Pahang

Also known as Bangkok 8.

6. Durian D165 (Green Thorn)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Jenis%2BJenis%2BDurian%2B20.jpg

Mostly found at – Balik Pulau, Penang

Widely known as Cheh Chee by the local (in Penang).

7. Durian Love

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Jenis%2BJenis%2BDurian%2B19.jpg

Mostly found at – Penang, FAMA exclusive event

Can be found only in orchard around Penang (state exclusive).

8. Durian Special

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Mostly found at – FAMA exclusive event

A quite the premium of single origin durian (not clone/hybrid).

9. Durian D158 (Cheong Peng)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Jenis%2BJenis%2BDurian%2B24.jpg

Area of origins – Guar Chempedak, Kedah

Also known as Kan Yau, Tangkai Panjang by the local.

10. Durian 13.5

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Mostly found at – Bentong, Pahang

Not a clone/hybrid durian. Also harvest was quite small so it’s a bit rare and quite hard to be found.

Info Source / Image Credit : FAMA

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